Literacy & Science

Inspire learning with books and scientific inquiry

New Nature Book for All Ages

Life in the Everglades features over 500 native plants and animals and focuses on the science of living things. It has many text features including indexes, maps, and a glossary with hundreds of scientific terms. Readers will be especially engaged by the countless fun facts and ecological highlights.

We did a school-wide Florida Everglades unit at our elementary school. Even though we had many resources for the kids to look at, this book was the kids’ favorite. The colorful photos, clear sections, and brief but thorough descriptions felt very “adult” and meant for “real” scientists. Some kids had their own copies and walked around with them like it was treasure. As sections were read out loud, kids would memorize the information so they could share it with others. It was a joy!
— Anne Heetderks - Amazon book review - teacher

My mission is to help teachers plan and implement student-centered lessons that teach content area standards and critical thinking skills, while also making lessons relevant and equitable for all students to achieve success.

Educational Services

As a literacy and science specialist, I can help teachers simplify and teach seemingly complex science standards while they support students’ literacy skills. I also love working directly with students in one-on-one or small group tutoring sessions.

Author and Speaker

Mindy Dickman

Please schedule a book talk today, I would love to share the wonders of the Everglades with your students! I have a variety of presentations to choose from that are appropriate for different ages, even adults!

What’s New in Education

This is where I’ll share my thoughts about the latest news related to reading and science education, teacher advocacy, and environmental stewardship. I hope you will also share what’s on your mind so we can learn together.